Calendar importing
Calendar importing allows you to automatically keep your Airbnb calendar in sync with external calendars that support the iCalendar (iCal) format. Examples include Google calendar and those used by HomeAway and Vrbo.
To import a calendar, log in to your Airbnb account on a desktop computer or mobile device. This feature is not available using the Airbnb app.
Go to your dashboard > Listings and select a listing
Click Availability
Click Import Calendar found under Sync calendars
Copy the URL for your other, non-Airbnb calendar into the Calendar address field
If you need help finding the calendar address (URL), under How to find the calendar address, choose the type of calendar you’re importing to get more info
Name the calendar you’re about to import
Click Import Calendar
Your Airbnb calendar automatically resyncs every five minutes, however the frequency of resyncs by your external calendars are determined by the other calendar’s owner (ex: HomeAway or Vrbo).
Note: To remove a synced calendar, repeat the above steps to reach the listing and click the trash can next to the synced calendar. You cannot pause a sync; you’ll need to remove it and add it back if you need it again.
Calendar exporting Calendar exporting lets you view your Airbnb calendar on an external calendar that supports the iCal format. To export your calendar in iCal format and add it to your external calendar: To export your calendar and add it to your external calendar, log in to your Airbnb account on a desktop computer or mobile device. This feature is not available using the Airbnb app.
Go to your dashboard > Listings and select a listing
Click Availability
Click Export Calendar found under Sync calendars
In the Export Calendar window, copy the address, then paste it into your other iCal-based calendar
Click the X to close the Export Calendar window