Flexible This is the most flexible option for guests and allows them to cancel for a full refund until 24 hours before check-in. This means you won’t get paid if a guest cancels at least 24 hours before check-in. If they cancel after that, you’ll get paid for every night they stay, plus 1 additional night.
Moderate This is a moderately flexible option for guests that allows them to cancel for a full refund until 5 days before check-in. This means you won’t get paid if a guest cancels at least 5 days before check-in. If they cancel after that, you’ll get paid for every night they stay, plus 1 additional night, plus 50% for all unspent nights.
Strict This is the least flexible option for guests and allows them to cancel for a full refund only during the 48 hours after booking, and only if they cancel at least 14 days before check-in. If guests cancel later than that, but at least 7 days before check-in, you’ll get paid 50% for all nights. If guests cancel later than 7 days before check-in, you’ll get paid 100% for all nights.
How to view or change your cancellation policy If you don’t know which cancellation policy applies to your listing or you want to change it:
Go to Your listings and select a listing
Click Booking settings
Next to Policies, click Edit
Under Cancellation policy, select a policy, then click Save
Non-refundable option If you use a Flexible, Moderate, or Strict cancellation policy, you can also offer a discounted non-refundable rate alongside your standard rate. At checkout, guests can either select your standard rate—subject to your Flexible, Moderate, or Strict cancellation policy—or the discounted non-refundable rate. If guests select the non-refundable rate and decide to cancel, you get paid 100% for all nights booked, minus the cleaning fee if the cancellation occurs before check-in. The discounted non-refundable rate will appear in search results. Learn more
Long term stays Our Long Term cancellation policy applies to all stays of 28 days or longer and overrides your standard cancellation policy for those stays. The Long Term cancellation policy allows guests to cancel for a full refund only during the 48 hours after booking, and only if they cancel at least 28 days before check-in. If a guest cancels after that, you’ll get 100% for all nights spent, plus 30 additional nights. If fewer than 30 days remain on the reservation at the time the guest cancels, you’ll get paid 100% for all remaining nights.
Keep in mind You won’t be paid the cleaning fee if the guest cancels before check in.
Your cancellation policy may be overridden and the guest may be given a full refund (according to our Terms of Service) in the following cases:
If the listing is inaccessible, unclean, unsafe, or there’s an animal in the listing that wasn’t declared. Learn more
If a guest can’t reach the host or the host won’t fix a serious issue, and the guest contacts us within 24 hours of finding the issue.
If a guest needs to cancel because of an extenuating circumstance. This could be because of a natural disaster or other emergency that prevents guests from safely traveling.
We also offer two policies, Super Strict 30 and Super Strict 60, that are by invitation only under special circumstances.
Where we mention above that guests are entitled to a full refund, it refers to your nightly rate. Whether or not Airbnb refunds its guest fee depends on a number of factors.
The right cancellation policy depends on you and your listing—here’s a guide on how to choose what works best for you in the Resource Center.