To become a Superhost, you need to have an account in good standing and meet the following requirements. Your performance is measured over your previous 12 months of hosting for all listings on your account. However, you do not need to have hosted for the full 12 months to qualify. Check your Superhost status.
Superhost requirements
Completed at least 10 trips OR completed 3 reservations that total at least 100 nights
Maintained a 90% response rate or higher
Maintained a 1% percent cancellation rate (1 cancellation per 100 reservations) or lower, with exceptions made for those that fall under our Extenuating Circumstances policy
Maintained a 4.8 overall rating (this rating looks at the past 365 days of reviews, based on the date the guest left a review, not the date the guest checked out)
Earning Superhost status You don’t need to apply to become a Superhost. If you meet the program requirements on the quarterly assessment date, you'll qualify for Superhost status. Quarterly assessments begin on January 1st, April 1st, July 1st, and October 1st, every year. We’ll notify you of your Superhost status at the end of each assessment period—which usually finishes 5 days after the assessment begins. Only primary hosts are eligible to attain Superhost status.
Learn 7 secrets from a seasoned Superhost—from setting up to standing out—in the Resource Center.